

Bin Strike


unite bin strike
unite bin strike

January was dominated by Eastbourne Unite Community’s support for the Eastbourne bin driver’s strike for fair pay and decent working conditions. The first strike day was 31st December (photo album). We turned up at all 6 picket lines and at the Town Hall for the final round of negotiations. We took to the social media platforms to combat the anti-union announcements from the Council bosses. We wrote articles for the local press. The strike ended with a massive 19% phased in win and a promise of improved working conditions.


 During January there were also other strikes to support which we did on our Facebook Page, sharing widely in Eastbourne.


#HeartUnions Action Week 14th to 20th February   

 of course



unite community sosnhs
unite community sosnhs

February moved us into planning and promotion for the SOSNHS Day of Action 26th February.  Eastbourne Unite Community joined East Sussex Save the NHS Campaign – Eastbourne, for the SOSNHS National Day of Action at our in-Town rallying point, Banker’s Corner (photo album).We spoke to residents about Unite’s Oppose the Health and Care Bill Campaign. Lots of messages were written to our MP Caroline Ansell asking her NOT to vote for this bill when it returns to the House of Commons for its 3rd and final reading (she’d voted for it at the earlier stages of the bill). These messages have now been passed on to Caroline Ansell.  #SOSNHS #ScrapNHSBill

International Mother Language Day

mother language day
mother language day

 27th February. Unite members supported Mozmil who was the main organiser for this UN day of celebration, music, food, and speeches. One of the speeches set out the courage of the Bengali speaking students, 5 of whom lost their lives at Dhaka, as they protested for the Bengali language to be recognised. You will find a copy of the speech in this photo album.

UCU Strike

ucu 4 fights
ucu 4 fights

During the end of February and early March, we showed solidarity with the UCU strikers. One of our members Alex, who is a student at Brighton University, wrote this article explaining the Four Fights.


Ongoing support at Eastbourne Palestine Solidarity Street Stalls

unite community PSC
unite community PSC


Cost of Living Strike

we wont pay for the crisis
we wont pay for the crisis

5th March. Following the 54% energy hike announcement we helped organise a Cost-of-Living Protest. There were many first-time speakers. People who are struggling to make ends meet and felt impelled to share their stories.

Again, we had an article published in the local online magazine.


Mobilising for March 19th UN Anti-Racism Day

March 19
March 19

Again, we helped organise and to spread the word for this UN Day of Action.

Message from


“We are going to London for this national demonstration and march against racism. We would love it if you would join us (details) to travel and march together in as big a group as possible from Eastbourne and to help carry our banners. Please share with your family and friends and bring them with you to celebrate the diversity of the UK, to welcome refugees and say No to racists – we are many and they are few! “

Details here:- https://fb.me/e/1d0XdT7eU

Ongoing organisational support for Eastbourne Climate Coalition

Eastbourne Climate Coalition
Eastbourne Climate Coalition

Top task on our to-do list is the setting up of a Climate Hub. On 1st March we launched our Crowd Funder. Please support the Eastbourne Climate Coalition and ECO Action Eastbourne fundraiser in our joint venture to set up a Climate Hub in Eastbourne.

Full details here


Supporting Ukrainian People

Supporting Ukrainian People
Supporting Ukrainian People

And yes, of course, Unite members were out last weekend as  Eastbourne came together to stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, to share how we could support them in their plight, to send a message of No to the Ukrainian invasion, and to stand with all those people saying no to War (which includes the courageous Russian protestors). There are many different views held on the whys and wherefores involved. Many different political views. There will be other days for these debates on the causes of War and how peace can be brought about. This day was about a simple message that our Town wished to be united around and needed to make.

Jake Ukraine
Jake Ukraine
Lesley Ukraine
Lesley Ukraine
Evie Ukraine
Evie Ukraine
Jill Ukraine
Jill Ukraine

Carol Mills

Unite Community – Eastbourne

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