Eastbourne Labour Party Eastbourne Labour Party
CLP Meetings

Eastbourne CLP is organised via an ‘All Members’ structure
All members are invited to our CLP meetings and all members have a vote. Our local standing orders state we hold 6 CLP meetings per annum. We hold an extra 2 CLP meetings per annum which are policy meetings.
“The prime function of Party meetings is to provide members with the opportunity to participate in Party activities through social contact, political debate and policy discussion; and to establish objectives for the Party in the area for campaigning, the development of Party organisation and the promotion of links with sympathetic individuals and bodies within the wider community.
Plans for campaigning on local issues, the development of community engagement and the strengthening of both links and communication with individual members, affiliates, supporters and community groups should be central to all business.” local standing orders.
Minutes of CLP Meetings (available to ConstituencyLabour Party members only)
Minutes will be sent out to members via email.
Minutes of previous meetings can also be found on our Facebook members forum. Note this is a private members only group :