Eastbourne Labour Party Eastbourne Labour Party
Other Local Campaigns
These are some of the local campaign groups that Eastbourne Labour supports:-

1) Eastbourne Palestine Solidarity Campaign
EBPSC are the Eastbourne branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) – a community of people working together for peace, equality, and justice and against racism, occupation, and colonisation.
PSC are the biggest organisation in the UK dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/eastbournepalestinesolidaritycampaign/
Email : eastbournepsc@outlook.com

2) Eastbourne People’s Assembly
The National People’s Assembly was established in 2013 to campaign both against the continuing austerity policies that harm the most vulnerable amongst us, but also for alternative, more equitable solutions to the challenges facing Britain. Among the original signatories for the People’s Assembly were Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell.
In support of the more broad based People’s Assembly, the Labour Assembly Against Austerity was also formed. This comprised Labour Party members, supporters, unionists and MPs e.g. Owen Jones, Len McClusky, Diane Abbott. They called for Labour to reject the cuts and develop an alternative economic model.
After the 2015 General Election 250,000 people joined an anti austerity march and rally in London. The Tories had just formed a minority Government buoyed up by the Democratic Unionist Party. At the rally, Sam Fairbairn, National Secretary for the People’s Assembly, called for local People’s Assemblies to be set up in order to strengthen grass-roots engagement with the campaign. This rally inspired the launch of the Eastbourne People’s Assembly (EPA).
Eastbourne Labour Party affiliated with the EPA at the time of our 2015 launch. This was timely as days earlier Jeremy Corbyn had overwhelmingly won the Labour leadership and had announced, in no uncertain terms, that Labour was an anti austerity Party.
After 9 years of ruthless austerity policies the country is now on its knees and people are crying out for change. In the early days of anti austerity campaigning in this town, we were laughed at by hard liners for living in ‘cloud cuckoo land’ and wanting to drive the country further into debt. Well, under austerity the country’s debt has increased, personal debt has increased, the equality gap has widened and the rich have become richer.
When Margaret Thatcher set our economy (and the global economy with Ronald Regan) on the path of privatisation and deregulation (Neolibralism), she famously coined the phrase ‘there is no alternative’ or TINA for short. Well, TINA is on the way out. People are waking up to the idea that there is another way. The politics of hope has arrived. John McDonnell, as Shadow Chancellor, set out a fully costed economic alternative in the Labour Party Manifesto 2017. We need to join forces to help bring about a government that will turn the tide of austerity.
Let’s change the story! We want to challenge the story of austerity, and replace it with a new story of fairness, justice, and equality for all of us.
EPA website:-
Facebook Page and Group

3) East Sussex Save Our NHS
Lucette Davies is doing some great work in our Town leading on the East Sussex Save Our NHS Campaign. Drawing public attention to the real facts behind the running down of the NHS and the clock and dagger preparation for full scale privatisation that the Tories are engaged in right under our noses.
Lucette says, “ Political changes are destroying our NHS. I have started the local East Sussex Save the NHS Campaign to fight for the services that we all need in East Sussex. We need to unite all those who believe in our NHS so we can have a louder voice against any proposals that may reduce NHS services in our area or limit who can access them.
You can find out more about this campaign here.
Groundswell: The Grassroots battle for the NHS
Here is a link to a film review on the East Sussex Save the NHS Campaign website. Eastbourne Labour Party supports this campaign.
Groundswell – A Grassroots Battle for the NHS by independent film maker John Furse. The documentary follows a group of determined campaigners from Darlington. Beginning in 2014 during the setting up of the 999 Call for the NHS campaign, it runs through to 2017 with their lobbying success at the Labour Party Conference. Covering 2 General Elections and 2 Labour Party leadership contests, it charts the struggles, frustrations, obstacles and some of the successes of the campaign. It is a must watch film, not least because it shows the importance of people power and the wider movement in bringing about party political policy change.
The film is now available to view via:- https://vimeo.com/ondemand/grassroots

4) Eastbourne Stand Up To Racism
Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) is a national organisation with local groups that works with the trade union movement and locally with other grassroots anti-racist campaigns to root out racism in all its forms. They are developing a local SUTR group to oppose racism and to stand alongside the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people. The Eastbourne group was launched on 20th March 2021 which is the International UN Antiracism Day.
For more information:-
Facebook Page and Group
Or email