Eastbourne Labour Party Eastbourne Labour Party
Co-Operative Party
East Sussex Co-operative Party is a branch of the Sussex Co-operative Party, sister Party to Labour, promoting co-operative policies and values.
Co-operatives are democratic enterprises owned equally by their members, which can include workers, customers and local communities. Co-operatives create sustainable jobs, inspire participation and strengthen communities. The original principles of co-operation were set out by the Rochdale Pioneers, who created the World’s first modern co-operative back in 1844.
The co-operative sector generates millions of pounds for the economy, both in the UK and worldwide- and are run on democratic, ethical and community focused principles.
Kellie, from Unicorn Grocery in the UK says:
“As workers, we have greater control over our conditions, greater freedom to influence organisational changes, and an active say in strategic decisions that impact on our day to day lives.”
You can read her story here: https://www.uk.coop/co-operative-stories/kellie-bubble-unicorn-grocery
Sylvester of Manyamula Co-operative in Malawi- one of the poorest countries in Africa, says:
“I no longer have the problems I used to before joining the co-operative. I am now planning to buy a car, I’ve three girls at secondary schools.”
You can read Sylvester’s story here: https://www.uk.coop/fortnight/stories/sylvester
Many Labour Party members are also members of the Co-operative Party. You can find out more about the work of the Co-operative Party locally at https://eastsussexcoop.blogspot.com/ and nationally at: https://party.coop