Eastbourne Labour Party Eastbourne Labour Party

The Eastbourne Unite Community Group is part of the Unite Community South Coast Branch. We are a small local group but we take part in campaigning either as Unite Community in our own right, or in cooperation with other local campaigns.
Here is a round up of some of our activities since September: –
Walking Festival 18th September to 25th September
Our South Coast branch has supported the work of the Eastbourne Group on Eastbourne’s Radical History. The Radical History Walk is a self-guided downloadable via the Council’s website. But for the Walking Festival we put on 5 guided walks. All were sold out. We had some great feedback. One person went on walk twice. Thank you to the Eastbourne Pilgrimage Project and to Hazel Durling for their support with this project.
Eastbourne Car Free Day 22nd September
Our group supported an event held on the Saturday (25th) in the town centre where there was a road closure, stalls and information.

Eastbourne Cop26 Climate Coalition created on 30th September
Members joined with others in the town to create an Eastbourne Hub for the COP26 Coalition. We spent 6 weeks organising to hold a March and Rally on 6th November as part of the Global Climate Action Day. The March was attended by 400 people, which is the biggest March Eastbourne has had for many years. Louise organised the speakers, poets and musicians. Alex performed a climate related song. Carol gave a speech on Climate Justice for the Global South and frontline communities, and climate refugees. The Coalition met on 24th November and will continue its Climate Emergency organising. One aim is to open a Climate Emergency Centre similar to Lewes and Seaford.

Vigil at the Pier 5th October for Sabina Nessa
Members attended this vigil. The man charged with the murder of Sabina Nessa lived in Eastbourne.

Street Stalls on 9th October and 13th November
We joined with the Labour Party for street stall at Bankers Corner in Town. We gave out leaflets about: – local services for people who are homeless, Empty Homes in Eastbourne, the Weetabix strike on End Fire and Rehire.

Eastbourne Unite Community members joined the Fire and Re Hire Roadshow at 3 local locations on Wednesday 27th October, Sainsbury, Tesco, and Asda. Unite is running a national campaign against Weetabix “Fire re Hire”.

Support at Eastbourne Palestine Solidarity Street Stalls
Local members attend the fortnightly street stalls and other protests held in Town and also help with promotion.
Motion of Support for Henley CLP Secretary, suspended from the Labour Party on 15th November
This motion was proposed and seconded by Unite Community members at the CLP meeting on 18th November. Motion carried. The motion called upon the Disputes Team to reinstate the Secretary and to apologise.
International Workers Mural Brochure
Agreement for a brochure to be produced about the Mural was made before Covid-19. The Mural was, until recently, was installed at the TGWU Hotel, now The View, in Eastbourne. The project was held up by the pandemic but has now picked up momentum. We were contacted by Jim Mowatt, Unite’s Education Officer. He is supporting this project and has put us in touch with a researcher, Mark Metcalf. More information on the Mural here.

Vigil for the refugees who drown on 24th November
Member attended a vigil in Town on Saturday 27th November held by Eastbourne Stand Up to Racism.
Carol Mills
Unite Community Rep