Your candidates for the Langney Ward are:

Lee Comfort

Julie Hart

Roy Noble


Meet Lee Comfort

Lee 2019
Lee 2019
“I have lived in Eastbourne all of my life and in Langney for about 20 years (which is most of my life!).
I currently work for a local solicitor’s firm, but prior to that I worked at Sainsbury’s for 12 years where I was a union rep for Unite the Union.
I am standing for Labour because it is the only party that can and will fight against the cuts we are experiencing. As a new parent I have witnessed first hand the reduction in support for new parents (before and after birth). I am also fearful of what is going to be left of our schools by the time my son is old enough to attend. I will defend those that our vulnerable in our society, as it is they who are being target all in the name of saving money, and fight to keep our services going”.

Meet Julie Hart

Julie Hart 2019
Julie Hart 2019

Julie was born in Eastbourne and has lived in Langney all her life. She has worked at Tesco for the past 15 years and is a shop steward for Usdaw. She passionately believes in workers rights and that it’s time for change with Labour being the only party that represents this for its residents. Julie said she is all for progress but feels developments too often fail local residents. She said, “We see houses built all over Eastbourne but they’re unaffordable. This has to change. Our youngsters are our future and we have a responsibility to them.”

Meet Roy Noble

Roy Noble 2019
Roy Noble 2019
“I have lived in Eastbourne for 12 years and have been an active member of the labour party for 30
years. I have worked predominantly in Children’s services and understand the needs to protect the
most vulnerable and marginalised young people in society. I believe in focusing on the needs on the
local community and ensuring that services such as libraries and post offices are available for all.
Where there is regeneration planned then it needs to benefit all and not just those with the financial
means. It is important that there is investment in preventative and support services to ensure that
young people and the elderly have a voice in the care and opportunities available for them. I also
believe that those who are homeless need the support and care to help them with their life choices.”

Meet the Candidates  at the Street Stall Road Show – Langney Shopping Centre 30th March 2019

Roy and Julie and the Street Stall Team
Roy and Julie and the Street Stall Team

Labour Party Candidates  Julie Hart and Roy Noble were out with the team in Langney Shopping Centre today (Saturday 30th March). They were meeting local people and hearing about local and town wide issues that Labour Party can help with.  The Langney residents were really keen to talk to us about their local area and what improvement are needed. We had a fantastic response including lots of young people wanting to know more and tactical voters now wanting to vote Labour.

Lee Comfort is also a candidate for Langney ward and all three candidates will be out again soon doing more canvassing and going door to door.  There is real buzz around the Vote Labour Campaign and the Langney residents are coming on board with a positive response to today’s event. Thank you to all the team for today. It was a great event.

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