Eastbourne Labour Party Eastbourne Labour Party

YES 97.6% of workers across the Royal Mail Group say yes to striking.
interesting report from Frontline News:-
“CWU members working across Royal Mail Group, including parcel force and fleet smashed the anti-trade union ballot threshold in their vote for industrial action this week. 77% of workers took part in the ballot delivering a 97.6% yes vote, a record high in a national industrial action ballot post the 2016 trade union act.
On the announcement of the result, the day before Royal Mail’s AGM, CWU general secretary said the bosses at the top should see this as a massive vote of no confidence and that they should consider their positions. But in an act of complete arrogance, Royal Mail bosses sent messages to workers the day after via workplace TV screens that Royal Mail was now losing £1 million a day. This from a board that has recorded profits of £758 million off the very backs of its work whilst giving £400 million away to shareholders will not wash!
CWU members know their worth and they know how to win, the same can’t be said for the Royal Mail board.” FRONTLINE
CALL OUT FOR PICKET LINE SUPPORTERS. Strike days at Eastbourne sorting office, Southfield Road as follows:-
Friday 26th August, Wed 31st August, Thursday 8th September. CWU Royal Mail members
Friday 26 August
CWU Post Office members. More postal strikes will take place the week after. On Sat 27th, CWU Crown Office members are striking, On Tue 30th, CWU Supply Chain and Admin members are striking.
Tue 30th August and Wed 31st August. CWU BT Group and Openreach members.
■ TUC Safety at work during a heatwave.
Bit late now folks but for future HEATWAVE reference:-
Working in extreme heat is a safety risk that employers must protect you from. We believe 30°C should be the maximum. Unions can take action to keep workers cool and comfortable.
What does the law say? The TUC says workers should seek advice from their union before using their rights under Section 44.
The right to refuse to work: Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 provides workers with protection from detriment (i.e. dismissal, disciplinary or a pay cut) if they withdraw from and to refuse to return to a workplace that is unsafe. Workers are entitled to remain away from the workplace if, in their opinion, the prevailing circumstances represent a real risk of ‘serious and imminent danger’, which they could not be expected to avert.
👉 See our toolkit: https://t.co/aV5upJuE0X
👉 Sign the petition: https://t.co/pxETBGeLEm
■ A summer of solidarity
Everything’s going up but our wages – increase taxes on wealth, not on workers! Frances O’Grady calls for action on pay at Tolpuddle Festival.
After the longest and deepest wage squeeze in our economic history, now the UK is facing the ‘worst real wage squeeze in the G7’. UK real terms pay falls at fastest rate on record as inflation hits even harder, with worse to come.
NB The real value of average wages (once inflation is taken into account) has fallen by almost 4% since a year ago.
* RMT Strike Days
18th and 20th August but note there is no picket in Eastbourne due to staff safety concerns during Airborne.
“Cleaners on Network Rail and the GTR, HS1 and Southeastern train companies concluded their latest batch of strike action beginning of July.
The workers up against outsourcing kingpins Churchill. They’re after £15 hour, sick pay and free rail travel.
RMT’s Mick Lynch says:
“These cleaners went over and above during the pandemic, to keep our trains and stations safe and hygienic. Churchill could easily afford to give them £15 an hour but instead, they’re fixed on shovelling money toward their private equity shareholders.
“Cleaners need a proper pay rise and they’re not prepared to take the appalling by companies like Churchill any longer.
“This campaign is only going to grow and we will not stop until we’ve won justice for our cleaners.”
The government’s 5% pay offer this week to doctors, teachers, midwives, prison officers and other workers in the public sector has met with a range of condemnatory responses including “pitiful”, “disappointing”, “wholly inadequate”, “a grave misstep” and “a kick in the teeth”.
□ THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION called it a “brutal” real-terms pay cut and “a betrayal of the profession”.
“It’s an outrage that millions of our public sector colleagues have been told to accept half the rate of inflation, and it puts into further shocking focus the fact our members – the government’s own workforce – are being told to accept even less. Given the expressed views of all four remaining Tory leadership candidates, it’s clear whoever wins, we can expect more of the same.
“We’ll be talking to our colleagues in other unions about organising co-ordinated national strike action.”
Journalists in the NUJ have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action at one of Britain’s biggest media outlets, Reach PLC. With the class struggle spreading to the media, the establishment is no doubt fearful of where this could lead. With journalists up and down the country working at Reach – which owns The Mirror, Express, and a host of local titles – it could be the largest strike in years for the industry.