Eastbourne Labour Party Eastbourne Labour Party
Hampden Park – ESCC Election and EBC By-Election 2021
Margaret Robinson, your candidate for the East Sussex County Council Election, and the Eastbourne Borough Council By-election.
Hello Hampden Park residents. My name is Margaret Robinson. I have lived here for many years and raised my children here. I am a former State Registered Nurse. I have 4 children, 3 of whom have followed me to work in the NHS, and one is a teacher. I am putting myself forward to represent you all on our council as a fellow local resident. The coming few years are going to be difficult, like the last year has been. Working together we can improve the lives of all our residents. I want to deliver the best for our residents. Best in adult social care, childcare, education, health care, and more. I am a trained community development worker and know how important it is that communities need to be led by the community itself; led from the bottom up not from the top down. It is you that know what you need and how to improve the lives of our community. I want to be able to represent you all and be your voice on the council. Together we can deliver the best for our community Hampden Park.
Thank you
from Margaret
We held an Eastbourne Labour Party socially distanced street stall on Sunday (18th April)
It was good to meet residents in Eastbourne town centre on Sunday (socially distanced) . Main issue coming up is the state of our NHS and the need to rebuild it. The closure of walk-in centre in the Railway Station, the difficulty of getting doctors appointments, and treatment in hospital that have been put on hold.